TruSculpt Flex

truSculpt flex involves direct stimulation of muscles, resulting in full muscle contractions similar to voluntary contractions during physical exercise.

The contractions induced by truSculpt flex are more intense than physical exercise and such rapid contractions result in increased muscle mass, strength, and tone.

One of the limitations of muscle stimulation in increasing muscle strength is that the same muscles that are superficially located are recruited during repetitive use. This can lead to muscle fatigue and damage.

truSculpt flex overcomes this limitation by using multi-directional stimulation with 3 treatment modes, involving different current intensities.

Increasing current intensity through the course of a training session allows for the recruitment of deeper muscle groups during training and thus avoids muscle damage.

Altering the direction of the current can also avoid stimulation of the same muscles and facilitate activation of the muscles in a comprehensive manner. Thus, truSculpt flex with its different treatment modes and its flexible electrode placement and stimulation options facilitates even stimulation of muscles.

The proprietary truControl technology provides for safe and consistent results through targeted, selective, and customizable delivery with less energy.

  • Save $500
    6 session series
  • $2500 (Reg. $3,000)