
Hydrafacial - $200 Platinum Hydrafacial - $300 The HydraFacial is the only hydra-dermabrasion procedure that uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. HydraFacial is a branded experience. Spas have…

Enzyme Polishing Peel

Gentle, but highly active enzymes, glycolic acid, and lactic acid speed up cellular turnover to brighten, tighten, and lighten your skin in just one treatment. A perfect treatment to start…

Acne Facial

This beta-hydroxy acid peel acts very quickly and effectively. The result of this treatment is outstanding. Smoother skin, immediate oil reduction, and reduction of active acne within 24 hours. $100…

TCA Peel

An aggressive peeling treatment designed for maximum exfoliation, treating sun damage, and visibly changing skin’s texture. (7- 30 %) Combo. $300    

VI Peel / Precision Plus

This peel will improve irregular pigmentation in the skin, including UV-induced hyperpigmentation, including Melasma. This formula works great for patients of Asian descent due to the increased risk of Hyperpigmentation.…

Jessner RX

A blend of salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid, in combination with retinol, for effective skin resurfacing. This peel addresses moderate to severe photodamage, discolored or mottled skin, rough texture,…

Combo Acid Peel

A peel designed to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage. It contains a synergistic blend of ingredients. $400  

CO2RE Laser

The CO2RE is a cutting-edge fractional laser skin resurfacing system that can help address a wide variety of cosmetic concerns including: Dark spots Sun damage Fine lines and wrinkles Dull…


Cloud 9 is now offering the first of its kind; patented micro channeling technology, each needle is thinner than a human hair. This procedure is designed to painlessly and effectively deliver…